The Test Day Management Module allows you to manage the administration of your test-day.
- Coaches submit test requests and can pull them before the submission deadlines.
- System automatically notifes skaters when a test is submitted for them.
- Skaters can select and pay for the tests they intend to try.
- Coaches can see a list of all their submitted tests and whether skaters have paid or not.
- Dance Partners can also see what tests their skaters have put in.
- Automatic completion of Judges bureau form for preliminary test numbers.
- After deadline, automatically completes Judges bureau form with final numbers
- All paper test forms are generated with the skater’s test data ready for the evaluators to complete
- Automatically create the Test Day Summary Sheets to record final results.
- Automatically charge a hospitality charge to skaters from out-of-club.
- Test Chair can report on which tests are unaid
- Tests can be viewed by test type, by coach or by skater.